My name is Takuma Ishizuka. I live in Hakodate, Hokkaido, Japan.
I majored in information technology at college and have more than 10 years of experience as an engineer.
This site introduces the wide variety of effects of EMFs (Electric and Magnetic Fields) on the human body with a large amount of literature.
I hope that as many people as possible become aware of the dangers of EMFs through this site.
In recent years, many diseases have been on the rise, and EMFs are undoubtedly playing a role as a cause.
Pregnant women and minors, who are vulnerable to EMF exposure, as well as those trying/planning to have babeis, should especially avoid EMF exposure.
My Story
I was an ordinary office worker in Tokyo until the spring of 2017. But then I began to realize that something was wrong with my body.
I started suffering from insomnia, ringing in my ears, numbness and tingling, extreme fatigue, sudden anxiety without context, localized muscle spasms, and stinging pain all over my body.
I used to drink a lot, but for some reason I get extreme vertigo when I drink even a little, and I can't put a drop in my body.
I consulted doctors, but they could not find the cause of the problem and did not solve it. I suspected EMFs as an environmental factor.

For starters, I read the books (The Body Electric and Cross Currents) by Dr. Robert O. Becker (*), who led the opposition to EMFs from high voltage lines and other sources in the early days.
He was twice nominated for the Nobel Prize and was a pioneering researcher in the field of biological electricity and regeneration.
I learned from these books that many studies demonstrated the adverse effects of EMFs on humans and animals. I also learned that the military and industries were attempting to cover up the dangers of EMFs and crush the opposition.
It was also mentioned that EMFs cause microwave syndrome, now called electromagnetic hypersensitivity, a condition similar to the health issues that plague me.
Since his writings were more than 30 years old, I began my own research, using some of the references listed as clues.
Then I was astonished by the vast amount of literature on the adverse effects of EMFs, which kept growing one after another and never seemed to stop. I was also amazed to learn that the mechanism of how EMFs cause health hazards is also being elucidated.
Because of the lack of publicity, most people have never even considered the health hazards caused by EMFs.
Besides personal reasons, I was driven by the wish to make as many people as possible aware of the adverse effects of EMFs, which led me to create this website.
I hope that as many people as possible will become aware of the adverse effects of EMFs and that efforts to protect against EMFs will expand.